Flutter OnlineCourse

Last updated: 13/08/2019

This course is for those who are beginning with Fluter or in general programming. This is a class room series.
Course Overview

-> Introduction to flutter. Why Flutter? Navigating through website. - Done.
-> Setup your computer. Installing flutter, Hello world. Understanding the UI.
-> Intergrated development enviroments. Android Studio, Visual Studio code. Notepad++, Notepad.
-> Using dartpad. The option we have without installing flutter into your desktop.
-> Knowing about emulator and simulator options we have.
-> What if you are having a low spec machine?
-> Hot reload and Hot restart.
-> Introduction to Widgets. Types of widgets, Containers, Adding Text, Rows and Columns, Adding images, Buttons and Dialogs, AppBar, BottomBar. -> UI break down.
-> Write some UI projects. -> Working with Packages
-> Introduction to Animations and Write some projects.
-> Introduction to Statemanagement and Write some projects.
-> How to interact with Databases. sqflite. If possible we will look at firbase.
-> Storing Data.
-> How to make icons?
-> Releasing your app.
-> Working as a Team. Knowing git.

Here are the classes for you from my Flutter Online Course.

Class 1

In our first class we have discussed about the below points.
Here is a video of full class.

Topics covered: Introduction to flutter. Why Flutter? Navigating through website.

Class 2

You can download necessary files from below links.

Flutter SDK

Android Studio

Here is a video of full class.

Below topics are discussed,
Setup your computer. Installing flutter, Hello world. Understanding the UI. Intergrated development enviroments. Android Studio, Visual Studio code. Notepad++, Notepad.

Heavy - Android Studio. Light - Visual Studio code.

Using dartpad. The option we have without installing flutter into your desktop.

Here is a short video on Set up your computer for Flutter development. This video is recorded seperately just for setting up your computer.

Class 3

Knowing about emulator options we have.
emulator and simulator.
What if you are having a low spec machine? genymotion.
Lincencing - Commuity, developer editions. Enterprise edtions
Hot reload and Hot restart.
Hovered Visual Studio Code

If you are having a low spec machine or trouble running emulator due to Ram or processor, try genymotion.

Class 4

Introduction to Widgets

By now, you have begun with Flutter development. If you are able to run some programs atleast through copy paste, then thats big achievement.

So, Congrats you are a Flutter developer now.

All you need to do it, write some programs and understand the dynamics of it. It's important to understand about code completion, User interface.

Coding more will help you to connect dots well and come up with some new products.

In My next class I'll be discussing about ListView and GridView and more widgets.

Class 5

ListView and GridView

Class 6

Discussed Image widgets. Network and Assets.
We also introduced an AppBar.

Class 7

We looked at AppBar and BottomNavigationbar.

Class 8

We learnt about Dialog widgets and introduced AdobeXD.

Adobe XD Flutter Plugin for Flutter Development

Class 9

Flutter development - Class 9 - UI Challenge 1 Page 1 - We have developed the UI from scratch.

Code available here, https://github.com/srilovesflutter/uichallenges

Class 10

Flutter development - Class 10 - UI Challenge 1 Page 2 - We have developer the UI from scratch.

Code available here, https://github.com/srilovesflutter/uichallenges

Class 11

Flutter development - Class 11 - UI Challenge 1 Page 3 - We have developer the UI from scratch.

Code available here,s https://github.com/srilovesflutter/uichallenges

Class 12

Flutter development - Class 12 - UI Challenge 1 - Page 4 - Devtools introduced

Class 13

Flutter development - Class 13 - UI Challenge 1 - Page 5

Class 14

Flutter development - Class 14 - How to debug your apps?

Class 15

Flutter development - Class 15 - Navigating through pages, passing parameters between them

Class 16

Flutter development - Class 16 - Working with Packages

Class 17

Flutter development - Class 17 - Introduction to StateManagement - Statefulwidget setstate discussed

Class 18

Flutter development - Class 18 - Inherited Widgets

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