How to Make Appbar in Flutter ?

This Article is posted by nikhilchaudhary12155 at 9/22/2019 5:29:35 AM

Understanding the Basics :

An AppBar consists of a toolbar and other widgets, such as a TabBar and a FlexibleSpaceBar.

App bars are typically used in the Scaffold.appBar property, which places the app bar as a fixed-height widget at the top of the screen. The AppBar displays the toolbar widgets, leading, title, and actions, above the bottom (if any). The bottom is usually used for a TabBar. If a flexible space widget is specified then it is stacked behind the toolbar and the bottom widget.

Creating an AppBar in Flutter :

As mentioned above, the AppBar is primarily a part of the Scaffold Widget, since it provides an easy gateway to create the AppBar. In order to create a simple AppBar, AppBar class can be used. The general constructor looks like below,

AppBar(title: Text("Hello FlutterCentral"),

The constructor of AppBar looks like,

AppBar({Key key, Widget leading, bool automaticallyImplyLeading: true, Widget title, List<Widget> actions, Widget flexibleSpace, PreferredSizeWidget bottom, double elevation: 4.0, Color backgroundColor, Brightness brightness, IconThemeData iconTheme, TextTheme textTheme, bool primary: true, bool centerTitle, double titleSpacing: NavigationToolbar.kMiddleSpacing, double toolbarOpacity: 1.0, double bottomOpacity: 1.0 })

There are a lot of properties that are part of the AppBar class. We will be seeing the important properties that help in creating the AppBar.

Sample Code :

import "package:flutter/material.dart";

void main()
    title: "Hello Nikhil,
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("How Are You Nikhil"),

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Tags: Flutter FlutterAppBar FlutterisFuture

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